Com Cuinar Creamy Tuscun Chicken Delicieux

Creamy Tuscun Chicken - . Today I am sharing this Creamy Tuscun Chicken! A quick and easy dinner that is ready in under 15 minutes!

Creamy Tuscun Chicken

You can cook Creamy Tuscun Chicken with 13 Ingredients and 9 steps. See the following guide!

Ingredients for Creamy Tuscun Chicken:

  1. 4 chicken breast or thighs.
  2. 1 teaspoon Salt.
  3. 1 teaspoonPepper.
  4. 4 cloves garlic minced.
  5. 1 tamatoe.
  6. 2 tablespoons fresh parsley.
  7. Half onion.
  8. 2 cups fresh spinich.
  9. Olive oil.
  10. 2 cups heavy whipping cream.
  11. Half cup parmosion cheese.
  12. 1 table spoon Roasted garlic and herb seasonings.
  13. 1 table spoon Roasted garlic and bell pepper seasoning.

Step by step how to cook Creamy Tuscun Chicken:

  1. Place chicken in a bowl with half the seasoning or more based on ur taste and mix together so chicken is well coated.
  2. Use a deep skillet and place Olive oil in there and add chicken on medium to high heat.
  3. Cook chicken through.
  4. Take chicken out place on a plate. Keep flame at medium.
  5. Place onion and garlic in skillet and sautee. Add tamatoe and spinich and sauteed as well mixing everything together.
  6. Add heavy cream and rest of seasonings. Mix well and let it cook together by simmering and slightly boiling.
  7. Add cheese and parsley and cook letti g it slightly boil. Make sure your mixing on and off so don't stick to bottom of skillit.
  8. Place chicken evenly on top of sauce in skillet and spoon sauce on top of chicken allow it to cook on medium/low for 10 to 15min or untill well sauced and chicken is cooked through.
  9. Serve with or over rice and steamed veggies....