Grilled Prawns - Easy to do and Very moist even after warming up leftovers the next day!. Today I am sharing this Grilled Prawns! A quick and easy dinner that is ready in under 40 minutes!
You can cook Grilled Prawns with 3 Ingredients and 4 steps. See the following guide!
Ingredients for Grilled Prawns:
- 1/5 kg prawn.
- 3 tbsp sweet soy sauce.
- 1 tbsp margarine.
Step by step how to cook Grilled Prawns:
- Put 2-3 prawns in a row with the skeeewers..
- Heat the margarine until it melts, mix it with sweet soy sauce, stir them well..
- With cooking brush, wash the prawn skewer with margarine and sweet soy sauce mix and grill it until it turs golden..
- Serve it while its hot..