filipino style: homemade spanish sardines - Easy to do and Very moist even after warming up leftovers the next day!. Today I am sharing this filipino style: homemade spanish sardines! A quick and easy dinner that is ready in under 20 minutes! Store them in jars to give to your friends or to sell for additional income. Back home in the Philippines some years ago, canned Spanish-style sardines became big and everyone fell in love with this spicy sardines in oil and herbs. #spanishSardines #Sardines #Pinoyrecipe Hello mga kabayan! Today, I am sharing this budget friendly recipe - Spanish Sardines. How to make Homemade Spanish-style Sardines. bangus tunsoy bay leaf breakfast recipes chili filipino Milkfish Pinoy sardines spanish food tawilis tomato sauce brunch recipes. Spanish Style Sardines is a type of sardines is which the fish is slow cooked or pressured cooked to achieve a desired fish softness and it is cooked with oil and water with olive oil, bay leaves, pickles to give it a taste.
The fish is too tender that you can eat the bone right of the bat.
Put sardines together with carrots, pickled cucumber, bay leaf, whole peppercorns, chillies, olive oil & water inside the pressure cooker.
It is a Homemade Spanish Sardines.
You can cook filipino style: homemade spanish sardines with 9 Ingredients and 8 steps. See the following guide!
Ingredients for filipino style: homemade spanish sardines:
- 1 kg sardine fish.
- 1 sachet of vegetable oil.
- 1 large carrot.
- 1 medium pickle.
- 1 white onion (optional).
- 1 tsp whole black pepper.
- 1/4 cup salt.
- 2 bay leaves.
- 2 chillies.
MontaƱo Sardines has dominated the food, and pasalubong scene in Dipolog City. Pasalubong is the Filipino tradition of travellers bringing gifts from their destination to people back home. If you do not favor Spanish-style sardines in vegetable oil, you will also find Milkfish (Bangus) variety in olive. Today I made a homemade spanish style sardines without any preservatives or flavor enhancers such as MSG, magic sarap, ajinomoto, etc.
Step by step how to cook filipino style: homemade spanish sardines:
- clean the sardine's fish and remove the head and tail of the fish.
- dried the fish and add the salt to it.
- slice the carrot in thin round shapes.
- repeat the same procedure to the pickle.
- in the pressure cooker add the sliced carrots,pickles,onions and fish.
- add the vegetable oil,bayleaves,whole black pepper and chillies.
- cover the lid of pressure cooker and cook the sardines for 45mins to 1 hour medium heat.
- serve the sardines it can also place to sterilize jar to preserve the dish.
Well, I'm pretty satisfied with the outcome of my home cooked sardines! This is great to eat with hot rice or bread! Pinoy Food Spanish Style Filipino Youtube Recipes Cooking Recipes Recipies Medical Prescription Recipe. #spanishSardines #Sardines #Pinoyrecipe Hello mga kabayan! Today, I am sharing this budget friendly recipe - Spanish Sardines. Spanish Style sardines are a favorite with my children.