Yemek Tarifi Baked Sausage N Taters Delicioso

Baked Sausage N Taters - It turned out very good but i think i could have cooked it a little longer.. Today I am sharing this Baked Sausage N Taters! A quick and easy dinner that is ready in under 25 minutes!

Baked Sausage N Taters

You can cook Baked Sausage N Taters with 6 Ingredients and 1 steps. See the following guide!

Ingredients for Baked Sausage N Taters:

  1. 8 Yukon gold potatoes.
  2. 1 Whole white onion.
  3. 1 Container of grape tomatoes.
  4. 4 Hillshire farms cheddar sausage sliced.
  5. 1/4 cup Olive oil.
  6. 1 Dill weed, garlic powder, Cajun all spice.

Step by step how to cook Baked Sausage N Taters:

  1. Slice potatoes into 1in cubes, put in baking pan. Dice medium onion, throw it in. Cut all tomatoes in half, throw them in. Slice sausage horizontally, throw it on in. Drizzle olive oil and add spices to taste. Mix it all together with your hands and bake at 450°F for 45-1hr. Remix it halfway through cooking time. Enjoy,.